We the bookends, 16x12, oil on cradled wood
The great silence of snow, 16x12", oil on cradled wood. Sold.
Rosy is the west, 18x12", oil on canvas
Spill the moon, 24x20", oil on canvas
Where yonder crimson fireball site, 16x12, oil on cradled wood. Sold.
Unweave a Rainbow, 28x20", oil on canvas. Sold
Here is a taste of pine, of greeness. 12x9", acrylic on paper
The regiments of wood and hill, 16x12, oil on cradled wood. Sold
The star, and I, and wind, and snow, 12x9, acrylic on paper.
The rainbow never tells me, 10x8, oil on cradled wood
Warmth beneath the water, 12x9, oil on paper. Sold
Summer's Queen, 16x12, acrylic on paper.
Summit, 16x11.5", oil on cradled wood
The webbed and watery west, 16x12", oil on cradled wood, Sold
Warmth of another sun, 16x12", oil on cradled wood